
July 23, 2009

Today was quite a day filled with many ups and downs.

Last night Bill had a full body CAT scan because his blood pressure went too high yesterday and once more this morning. The anesthesiologist decided that due to variations in his BP, grafting surgery would not happen today.

A kidney stone and gall bladder stones were discovered from the CAT scan. Pain from the kidney stone along with the burns may be driving his BP too high. Issues with the kidney stone were addressed through a procedure which took about 30 min and Bill tolerated it well.

It looks like he will have a few days rest before he goes in for his next graft surgery on his chest and possibly face. We are hoping for surgery on Monday, if Bill cooperates!


  1. Poor Bill! and poor Dawn too! As if burns are not enough, now kidney and gall bladder stones. But after this, Bill does not need to worry about them any more! Hang in there Bill, Dawn. My prayers are with you every day! And you can gold-plate those stones for necklaces!


  2. Dawn, Bill

    We wish there was more we could do say ... we are thinking and praying for you and bill every day .... better days are coming

    Bill and Lisa
