
July 16, 2009

Today Bill is still critical, but stable. Doctors continue pushing fluids. He is VERY swollen and wrapped in gauze (like a mummy). He will remain like this for the next couple of weeks. His bandages are changed daily to monitor for infection.

He began a high protein liquid through a feeding tube. It was decided not to scope his esophagus and lungs because all indicators are showing no signs of damage (good news!).

At times, sedation is lessened to check his normal respiration, blood pressure and heart rate. When this happens, he becomes a bit agitated but it shows that he's fighting and strong!

So, far, he's behaving and following the predicted expectations.

Tomorrow, if all goes well tonight, he will have his first surgical procedure. Doctors will debride his burns and apply temporary donor skin grafts to the third degree burned areas.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Bill,Dawn and family,

    We want you to know that we wish Bill a full
    recovery and that he is in our prayers. We know
    how stong Bill is and that he is receiving the
    best of care. Although we can only imagine how hard this is, please remember to take care of yourself-you are Bill's strength.

    Terry and Barb Barber
