
July 18, 2009

Bill is stable and continuing to go forward. The donor sites on his thighs are open to the air to promote healing. The Drs. are telling us that they will debride and skin graft his chest sometime next week.

Please keep him in your prayers. Thank You, Dawn and family


  1. My best wishes go out to Bill and his family. Praying for his recovery and health.
    -Emma Hall

  2. The Ryan family will be in my thoughts and prayers daily. I only met Bill and Dawn once, it was a very pleasent meeting. I am very good friends with their son, Jim, we are truck driving buddies. I only hope, wish, and pray for the very best for Bill and strength and faith for the Ryan family. GET WELL SOON BILL!!!

    Darren S. Zombro, Sr. and Susie Zombro

  3. Hey Wild Bill and family, Your California buddies: Frank & Kathy, are praying with you and for you, and will add Bill to our prayer list. You keep fighting Billy, we know you are no quitter! We love you both!

  4. Dawn, please let us all know when Bill can take calls. Frank & Kathy

  5. Sorry to hear of your accident. Ours prays are with you for a speedy recover.

    Tom & Kim Kulas

  6. Bill, Dawn, you are in our thoughts and prayers. We wish Bill a speedy recovery.

    Christine and Andy Hall

  7. Family, thank you for the updates. Great way to keep us all informed as we knew you were busy and yet we were concerned as to progress and how the rest of you are holding up. We pray for you all during this vigil. Much Love, Mark, Melon Joyce and Christine.

  8. Bill and Susie, You will be in our thoughts and prayers daily. We are so sorry this happened. God Bless. Love, Dave and Deborah

  9. Susie -
    Been trying to call you from the moment I heard about Bill's accident from Pinks. Thank goodness for this blog site. At least I can tell you how how sorry I am for Bill and yourself. It's times like this where we can only ask for HIS arms to be wrapped around all of us and know that everything will be O.K. Our prayers are with you always. God Bless. Much Love, James and Creek

  10. Dear Bill,Dawn and family,
    We're so very sorry to hear about Bill's accident.
    All our love and prayers are with you.
    Kevin, Corina, Meg, Cait and Connor
